
Location South West London
Job type: Contract
Salary: DOE
Contact name: Dale Singh

Contact email:
Published: about 1 month ago

Role Profile - Details Specific to Job Family

These roles provide a broad service that set policy and provides advice to support and assure all of the council’s day to day activities.They gather information required by other groups to make strategic decisions and translate this into corporate policy and strategic advice.They have little or no direct accountability for outcomes; however, what they are accountable for is the quality of advice they provide to business leaders.

At the lower levels, these roles tend to focus on research and analysis and the interpretation and implementation of policies.At the higher level, role holders set strategy, develop policy and provide assurance across the Council more broadly.

Role Profile - Details Specific to Grade

These roles will be thinking beyond the year ahead and will be using considerable interpretative and evaluative judgement to address issues that are noticeably different from what has been encountered before.


Likely to be integrating a number of teams working across a range of functions. Will be managing critical relationships with customers and suppliers/partners. Will be scanning the external environment to evaluate the relevance of new practices and applying them as appropriate. These roles provide lead professional expertise and ensure the borough gets the advice and support it needs.They also provide assurance that the Councils resources are used in the best interest of citizens.

Brief Description of job role and department

The Shared Finance Service ambition is to add value, inspire success and this role is one of two Assistant Directors leading the Shared Finance Service (SFS) management team, collectively responsible for delivering SFS activities to realise this ambition for the Council.


The postholder will take the strategic lead on technical financial and accounting issues, including assessing and dealing with the impact of new legislation and government guidance for the Council


Lead the production of an annual report (incorporating revenue, capital, DSG and HRA) that sets out the detailed budget plans and MTFP for the Council in line with relevant accounting guidance and local government legislation


Undertake the role of Deputy s151 and supporting the s151 Officer in the delivery of the Medium Term Financial Strategy development along with their statutory responsibilities and deputising as required for the Council.


The postholder is required to lead the development of a sustainable financial strategy for the Council and will have a major contribution to make towards the delivery of the Council vision.


Lead the Shared Finance Service to deliver effective financial stewardship over public monies, ensuring the integrity of Council accounts and financial records is protected and enabling front line services to achieve excellent outcomes for residents.


Lead the production of accurate financial statements including the annual statement of accounts and manage the Council’s relationship with external audit.


Developing effective relationships with Council Members and provide them with policy, strategy and operational advice, including on external audit and pensions is critical to this role.


Lead and manage the provision of all Financial Services to the Council including financial planning, business partnering, financial inclusion, financial operations, pension fund investment, accounting, finance control, treasury, commercial finance and capital accounting.


Representative accountabilities

     Provide leadership for defined expertise/professional disciplines to ensure the Council accesses best practice and delivers quality outcomes for customers.

     Provide guidance and support to Elected Members to help them translate their political priorities into initiatives that deliver the intended outcomes for customers.

     Lead strategic Council wide programmes and projects ensuring they are managed and controlled effectively and deliver their intended outcomes.

     Lead the development of policies which will support the delivery of corporate strategies and plans.

     Accountable for significant delegated budgets and resources on behalf of the Council, ensuring they are used in a way that demonstrates value for money, a focus on delivering intended outcomes and compliance with statutory and financial regulations OR have a major influence/impact on how resources in the Council are prioritised and allocated


Budgetary accountabilities

     Approx £7m Revenue Budget for shared Finance Service.

     Approx 136 FTE in the Council.Management will be shared with the Assistant Director

     As Deputy S151 Stewardship and strategic planning for both Councils

     Councils which amounts to approx £140m net GF Revenue budget, plus HRA and DSG spend, and investment of Pension Fund assets

     Responsible for provision of support, advice and challenge to the Council on strategic financial planning and management of financial risk

Specific accountabilities

1. Leadership, Strategy and Innovation

     Working closely with the Assistant Director in partner Borough to lead the shared service Finance team to become a service that is fit for the future that meets the needs of the Council’s statutory requirements and the changing needs of its stakeholders


     Work at a strategic level with the Council’s leadership team to develop, propose, test and challenge the way that services are delivered across the Council


     Advise and support transformational programmes across the Counci through a creative, solutions-focussed and risk-aware approach


     Create a culture of innovation, expertise and knowledge-sharing.


2. Management and Performance

     With the Assistant Director in shared Borough provide management of the Finance shared service to achieve business plan targets, corporate plan objectives and performance goals


     Ensure arrangements are in place that promote and support Learning and Development for all members of the Finance function


     Build a strong, committed and capable Finance Management team which is flexible and dynamic and continues to develop and improve the Finance service.


3. Commerciality

     Financial management of the Finance service to achieve maximum value for money for the Council


     Develop alternate sources of funding and income streams for the service


     Explore and assess commercial delivery vehicles, presenting clear comprehensive financial advice on funding options and financial implications for the Council and partners


     Support services across the Council and within Council-owned companies in developing their own funding and income streams


     Promote and aid development of a commercial mindset across the Council’s services that positions them to meet their current and future funding challenges


4. Business Support and Relationship Management

     Develop meaningful relationships with internal and external stakeholders, including Members, Chief Executive, Directors, senior officers, service heads, the voluntary and Health sectors and across major projects and programmes


     Provide financial advice and support to the Councils’ managers and services


     Support, challenge and quality assure budgets, forecasts and service proposals, ensuring added value financial input to major service decisions


     Ensure that managers across the Council are supported to fulfil their financial management responsibilities, promoting high standards of financial management and accounting.


5. Statutory and Corporate Financial functions and Accounting

     Act as Deputy S151 Officer for the Council


     Oversee the production of the Council’s final accounts, including upholding relevant accounting standards, meet the timetables for unaudited and audited Statement of Accounts


     Lead on the preparation of Medium Term Financial Strategy and Planning


     Annual budget review process for all revenue expenditure


     Fulfil the Council’s obligations in relation to management of its pension funds


     Support the Council’s Pensions Fund member arrangements


     Advise Members on matters regarding the fund liability, actuarial reviews and investment strategy


     Production of the capital programme and annual review including funding position


     Ensure the Councils accounts and financial records are protected with robust controls and governance to maintain the integrity of our financial information



6. Corporate Governance, Audit Committee, Internal and External Audit


     Promote good corporate governance across each Council including adherence to financial regulations


     Act as lead officer for the Council’s Audit Committee to advise Members on matters regarding audit, governance, fraud and risk management issues


     Manage the relationship with internal and external auditors regarding the audit and review of all areas of finance including the accounts

7. Pensions

     Fulfil the Council’s obligations in relation to management of its pension funds


     Support the Council’s Pensions Fund member arrangements


     Advise Members on matters regarding the fund liability, actuarial reviews and investment strategy


8. Treasury

     Ensure sound arrangements are in place for Treasury Management strategy, policy and procedures to be carried out in accordance with CIPFA guidance including proper stewardship of cash and invested funds as well as borrowing.


9. Resident Support & Financial Inclusion


     Undertake full financial administration service on behalf of Adult Social Care, including financial assessments, Appointeeships and Deputyship functions, administration of Direct Payments and benefit checks


     Development of the Financial Inclusion function including management of the Housing Financial Inclusion Team and ASC Financial Inclusion activities


     Provide Finance functions for the Housing Revenue Account including rent accounting and income collection for tenants and leaseholders.


10. General

     Demonstrate a commitment to own personal and professional development and to the continuous development of others

     Promote and work in accordance with the Equality Act, promoting diversity and equality in all aspects of service delivery and people management

     Commit to the wellbeing of staff and actively promote and implement corporate and national Health & Safety policies and procedures

     Support both Councils in emergency planning and reaction to ensure business continuity and be on the Council’s AD level emergency planning rotas

     Undertake any other duties commensurate with the grade of the post as may be required from time to time, including working or attending meetings outside of normal office hours